Thursday, October 11, 2012


The Maalan Aarum does not record the meeting of the people on the Island in that Ocean and the incoming refugees.
Thirteen thousand years had passed since the Big Event. Other people MUST have been living there.
The black hair and black eyes of the original women, who had survived the Big Event, dominated the features of most people.  The recessive features of the northern European men, who had rowed their boats to the Island in that Ocean, had submerged.
Perhaps the hybrid vigor had, over time, naturally selected those children, who had American features with the European male DNA and language of the men.
So, the people, on the Island in that Ocean, may have already spoken a dialect of the language of the incoming refugees of the 11th century.  Another slow infusion of boat people may have been “Ce la Vie” to the people living on the Island in that Ocean.
The mixing, of the refugees with the people there, appears to have been an event not worth memorizing.
The original women may have had folklore stories of the Island in that Ocean rising out of the water of the melting glaciers. 
The original boatmen may have had folklore stories of the impactors of the Big Event streaking through the sky looking like a falling woman with red hair streaking behind.
The “falling women” and the turtle in the water with more earth added by animals may have been a natural development of storytellers who survived.

Oldest American History

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