Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The brothers quickly found an island in the ocean on the other side of the water to the west.
The Island had "Wyn" (pronounced "vin") land, where “Wyn” meant “ fine, smooth and cleared of trees.” 
On the Island, they found animals on grassland: deer, antelope, foxes, badger, beaver and buffalo.  They found many birds: swans, geese, grouse, ducks, pheasants, loons, and doves.
They found thousands of lakes with many kinds of fish.
They found wood around the lakes and east of the grasslands.
They found unseeded rice, other nuts, and berries.
The cold north winds would drive snow at them, but wood, grain, animals, furs, and shelters made winter bearable and summers a pleasure.
There was plenty of food on the island.  The food was there for all to eat.  Why burden themselves with keeping animals that had to be fed through the winter.  The animals were able to do that by themselves.
The Maalan Aarum does not record the decisions, but the resulting actions of the Lenape do indicate that they resisted the importation of European animals to the Island in that Ocean. 
The land was a gift from the Great Spirit for all to share, like the sky and the water.
Oldest American History

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