Tuesday, October 9, 2012


was a difficult experience.
A hunter’s adventure was one thing.  He could always go home.  But always living in the wild regions was another thing.
Would the animals always be handy?  What about the nuts, the fish, the fruit, the vegetables, and, especially, the grain?  
People need daily bread
—or something like that.
Something that can be harvested by the women and stored until needed.  People can miss a meal of meat now and then, but the bodies’ fire needs grain every day.
So the younger brothers left home very discouraged.
A few of them knew about the unseeded grain in Skuggland. 
But who wants 
to live the rest 
of your life
in a cold swamp?
The brothers had a choice:
Unseeded Grain and Skuggland or wild animals with feast or famine.
“Skugg” meant “whiskers.”  Today, if you look over the cattails and other reeds in a northern swamp, “Skugg” seems to be the right word.
The discouragement line was repeated by the composer to emphasize the agony of leaving home and to enable the composer to complete the Drottkvaett format.
For a decade the reeds of Skuggland in the pictograph were not understood.  The composer knew about Skuggland.  We, who never sat in a boat in Skuggland, could not understand what the composer meant.
But now the pictograph is obvious.  The brothers left home – the mound on the left-- and thought they were faced with living in Skuggland forever.
Oldest American History

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