Saturday, May 20, 2017


Hi, International friend.
Here in America we have an organization called the Scouts.  Many Scouts earn a badge of high honor called the ORDER of the ARROW, which is based on the LENAPE.

Most scouts in the ORDER of the ARROW know that the LENAPE had a high code of HONOR and that they spoke LENAPE. 

Those scouts should also know that when the ENGLISH invaded, LENAPE were CATHOLICS, WHO SPOKE NORSE.  

The LENAPE had a history covering episodes throughout six centuries (1,000 through 1585.)  Think of those centuries as the OLD WORLD.

Most scouts do NOT believe those two statements.

They do not believe because the 17th century ENGLISH took deliberate action to create a NEW WORLD.”
 The 17th century English also deliberately killed LENAPE.
 The 17th centuryENGLISH deliberately promoted the NEW WORLD paradigm.  During the 17th and 18th centuries English agents took action to hunt down and remove references to the OLD WORLD in North America.
In the 18th century, suppression by omission was institutionalized,
when the ENGLISH PROTESTANT Sunday School literature became the model for the United States educational system.
We ALL were taught about the NEW WORLD but  the LENAPE history was suppressed four centuries  by being omitted from the NEW WORLD history books.
The history we ALL have learned has been profoundly distorted.

THAT is why scouts may NOT believe the statements about the LENAPE.
The Scout's mental model of America before the English invaded is false.
The statements about LENAPE are valid.
The LENAPE history IS being taught on-line as an 18 week LENAPE HISTORY COURSE.*
The Lenape History Course is recommended for your self instruction so you may  get a better understanding of America's OLD WORLD.  The LENAPE history, most rune stones, most North American place-names, man-modified terrain in North America, and Norse artifacts combine as evidence to define the Old WORLD.

The OLD WORLD has 600 years of American history.  The Old WOLD historians recorded the migration of Catholics, who spoke Norse.
The NEW WORLD omits the Catholics, who spoke Norse.  some, but not all, of the Norse place-names and the original history of  LENAPE migration.
The OLD WORLD history of North America in your head should represent reality.
I suggest that you use the links of the LENAPE HISTORY for one week at a time.  The LENAPE history takes time to learn.  You will be building a NEW paradigm for OLD North America. 
 Invite your friends to discuss each week's questions and to review the answers.  The goal, if you chose to help, is to make many people aware of the NEW WORLD history of North America. 
. If you do these things, you, and your friends, will be restoring the OLD mental model of North America.
. More important, you will be taking deliberate action to keep vital historical knowledge from being omitted from the kids.
By their nasty action, the 17th English forced you to make a choice now: OLD = do a self study to gain a valid mental model or NEW = do nothing to live with a false mental model.

Your choice.
Have a good one,

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