Saturday, September 10, 2016



To have fish,
ten mates,
bad thrusts,
lift themselves up,
 sit far away.

Wtenk ayamek 
tellen sakimak 
machi tonanup shawapama.

The Historian tells of ten mates dead.
Do the markers agree?

there are ten marks.

Some authorities say the mates died
of the plague.
Would the phrase “Bad thrusts” support a plaque?

No, “Bad thrusts” and the X X X
 imply a violent attack.

Why did the historian use the phrase
“lift themselves up, sit far away?

The clever phrase was needed to make
the stanza
People with a Christian religion would understand.
The mates had gone to heaven.



The Kensington Rune Stone has JUST [MAY 11, 2018] FLIPPED  from "hoax" to "authentic").  
Today, the museum staff has a better paradigm in their heads, than when most of the "experts" had the NEW WORLD

MYTH in their heads.  The museum's staff is claiming the Kensington rune stone for what it is,  which is a stone punched with runes in the 14th century and found in Minnesota.  
The museum staff should also know about the LENAPE history, which tells of the same event. 
So now the Rune stone Museum has an authentic Kensington Rune stone in their museum. The Rune stone and the historic knowledge of its origin continues to be the hallmark of the Runestone Museum.
 This genuine artifact was discovered in 1898, clutched in the roots of an aspen tree on the Olof Öhman farm near Kensington, MN
The Runestone has led researchers from around the world and across the centuries to wonder how a runic artifact, dated 1362, could show up in North America.
The museum should add the following:
"Catholics, who spoke Norse, had been in North America for three hundred and fifty years when thousands of Catholics,  who also spoke Norse, migrated southwest from Greenland.  They were migrating away from the bitter cold regions of the Little Ice Age."
The “ten mates"   who would become "dead” appear to have been waiting on shore with boat loads of supplies when they were ambushed by a band of hungry, desperate thieves from the nearby woods.  
This episode was recorded on the rune stone by a Swedish stone puncher.  A LENAPE historian using self-verifying stanzas recorded the same episode.
The date, AD 1362, is important because the date fits the known Norwegian history,  and other artifacts left behind by the Norwegian rescue mission.  The date pins down the LENAPE history, which, at that time, was being recorded one stanza per year.  
Thus for nearly a century the LENAPE history records the dates of historical events of North America in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The Kensington episode fixes dates in the LENAPE history by a date punched into stone.
The Lenape history is valid because the stanzas composed in Old Norse are self-verifying.

Now, go back to


Do not listen to the guy saying “hoax."  Pay attention to the people responding to him.

This film was suppressed for 31 years.  The suppressors may have been motivated to their action because they had the NEW WORLD MYTH in their heads.  Two generations of kids did NOT get to see the VIKING VISITORS video.
 In Canada the distinction between English and “Aboriginals” continues, with the descendants of Catholics still treated like "Aboriginals."
Patricia Sutherland, who revealed many artifacts of ancient Norse, was fired.  The Civilization of Man was dismantled.  Twelve hundred other professors were fired.  Suppression by omission appears to be the continued government policy in Canada.
Now that you know the answer is "AUTHENTIC," can you imagine the frustration of a room full of experts being put down by a bureaucrat defending the English NEW WORLD MYTH.
That guy suppressed knowledge for 39 years.

"KIN" = "large"
"ING" = "place"
"TON" = "town"

"large place town" = "large town"
A large town in a location south of the ancient dikes of Lake Alexander seems consistent.  

More Norse place names in western Minnesota appear to have endured because, when the colonial frontier reached Minnesota, the English were no longer changing place names.
 After them, 
Peaceable was
the Judge
at the pleasing land.

Wtenk nellamawa sakimanep langundowi akolaking.

After the Historian told of ten mates dead, He told of Peaceable 
at the Pleasing Land.
What could
have happened?
All we really know is that ten "mates" died.  The "mates" may have been part of the rescue crew.
One possibility may have been that the rescue crew planned to leave via the old copper route to the Mississippi.  The ten men may have carried the provisions for two boat crews to the loading place, which was a large mooring stone part way down a steep bluff.  But while they waited, the boats decided to spend hours fishing, before loading the provisions.  During that time, a group of thieves may have killed the mates and stolen the provisions.
The place was on Lake "Cormorant," which means "thieves."  The loading spot is on a path from a bluff above the lake.  Trees and brush would have enabled thieves to sneak up on the provision camp.

We do not know who the attackers were or if there was any punishment or resolution.  

The episode was horrifying enough for a resuce crew member to punch the news into the Kensington Rune Stone and for a LENAPE historian to create a stanza of the year telling of the episode.

The pictograph implies that the Judge was NOT a LENAPE, or that the Historian was copying an old pictograph. or both?

What is your opinion?

My opinion is that the pictograph was both.  The Historian would have known the original pictograph, where the Judge had red hair.  He may have recycled the pictograph but used the word "Peaceful" in the stanza.

The new Judge may have been an  Ojibway chief, with red hair, who was already in the area, when the LENAPE arrived.  He may have been powerful enough to resolve the "Ten mates dead" situation to a peaceful solution

Ameircan Catholic custom would have been to allow the family of the victims to decide on the restitution. In this situation most of the dead may have been members of the rescue team.  The remainder of the rescue team may have settled for recovering some of the supplies and for an escort to the Mississippi.

So the Scandinavian stone puncher may have vainished from recorded history.  But the LENAPE historians continued to record a stanza a year.


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