Tuesday, January 1, 2013


The stanza is the orignal translation by the Moravian priests in 1820.  Some of the sounds appear to be recognizable Lenape/Old Norse words.  So modern decipherment may not improve the understanding of the stanza much.

The pictograph implies a bird flying from the cold, snowy country in the north to-ward the south.  The Lenape may have investigated the route south and east of James Bay.

The Lenape would have found those routes passing through villages of Ojibwa.  The Ojibwa were Christian Picts.  They and the Albans of Ireland and Scotland, had been converted to Christianity in Scotland by St. Colombo in the 7th century.

When the Odin worshiping Vikings began to raid Scottish churches in the late 9th century, three-fourths of the Christian Albans and Picts in Scotland and Ireland rowed away.  They may have rowed to Iceland, where monks had already established farms.

Then as the Odin Worshiping Vikings followed them to Iceland, most of the Christian Albans and Picts chose to flee rather than fight.  Some rowed to Greenland.  Some appear to have rowed directly to the North America coast.  A tribe in Newfoundland was called "Beo Tuck."  In Lenape/Old Norse, the words mean "Sail Direct."

 Snow bird is another play on words.  Snow Birds are known for going south in the winter.

TO BE Completed.

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